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Friday, August 19, 2011

Lets Catch up! Summer break, Makeup school, Glee, and Emails.

Hello lovies,

Summer semester is finally over!!

Even though it was kind of easy for me and I made some great "acquaintances" I am a bit relieved.
I had great teachers and the people in my english class were great but I didn't really get to enjoy summer too much. I tried my best but with classes two days a week and sometimes homework was piled up to the fro of my frizzy hair on a hot summers day. I just didn't have time to enjoy my self and the nice summer weather and summer activities. Let me tell you about the adventures to school...the Train rides would be miserable at first because they would be 20-40 minutes late. Then when they were on time they were packed with tourist and crying babies. Now I love babies don't get me wrong but I like a little peace on the way to school.

I am however going to miss my little english class, maybe i'll see them in english 101 in spring. :)

I have decided to take next years summer semester off from photography school to go to make up school! it's not set in stone yet, but it's being worked on financial wise. :D I discovered it will benefit me So much to go to make up school in the summer before my senior semesters. I will have this certificate to do high quality makeup that will help make my photos look fabulous, and help earn me some side cash working for other student photographers. This is an opportunity I am practically being handed and I can't say no! So I have to go get one of those financial bankers and get the ball rolling for me to enroll for summer courses. :) I know it's so far away but heres a little advice for you high schoolers out there...."PLAN AHEAD OF TIME!" it never hurts to plan ahead, because if your plan fails you still have time to come up with plan B.

September is only 12 days away!!! :D
If September is 12 days away then that means my birthday is only 45 days away!!! hehe little miss Silvia is Turning the BIG 2-1!! too bad I can't enjoy it. I have school. :( and the next day too! I was told I was being held hostage downtown at every bar and a nearby hotel to sleep for a few hours before class. haha ooh I love my close friends and family. :)

September 20th is the first day back of Glee! :)
I want to start doing short review/recaps again but short never happens for me. =/
I believe the season 2 part 2 dvd release is September 13th. pretty exciting.
Oh speaking of glee, I've been really enjoying the Glee project! I wanted to post a blog about the top 6 contestants that I liked most. Maybe I will after this little ramble about my life and other shenanigans.

Your Emails,
You all say you love receiving personal emails as oppose to me posting them on a blog answering them. My heart melts knowing you all love my emails, it makes me feel like i'm helping the youth in some kind of way. I do however plan to do an email response on my blog, i'm just not sure when and when I do let me know if you want your names to be changed. :) I'm a creative writer I can totally give you a dramatic name.

Need advice, and think I can answer it? send me an email: Silviaklopez90@gmail.com
I will try to answer as soon as I can and with the best advice I can, If I can.

Well I must go get some rest because all day I am relaxing, being a lazy bum, and watching a roseanne marathon. This weekend is going to be Crazy with a capital C!

Have a great weekend Lovies!

With all my love,



P.s I promise i'm back to normal blogs this time. I hope you enjoyed my english extra credit blogs. :) so far it seems like a lot you really enjoy the one about the iPhone, Xbox, and Lady Gaga.